Thermal Transfer Ribbons


Thermal Transfer Ribbons

• fit to any bar code and label printer
• suitable for any receiving material

Italora S.r.l. offers a wide range of thermal transfer ribbons for any bar code printer and any receiving material.
The Research & Development laboratory permanently searches and testes new ribbons to find out the products with the best quality/price ratio, identified by TOIKO brand.

Data Sheet

According with the external influences, applications and formulations, italora distinguishes 4 quality categories:

1. Wax • Is the most economical ribbon, excellent for a very wide number of applications
• Suitable for POS tags and labels, transportation, manufacturing process, inventory,
automatic distribution, tickets.
• Colours available
2. Wax/resin • Is used in combination with high quality labels and glossy paper. Suitable for heavy industry,
blood examination process labelling, tickets.
• High resistance to sun rain and cold.
• Colours available
3. Resin • Provides durable image
• Suitable for car parts assembly, tyre moulding process and plastic cards
• Superb resistance at very high temperature and solvents (alcohol, petrol, oils).
• Anti-scratching and anti-smearing
• Colours available
4. Textile • Printable on TNT, satin, tyvek, polyester
• Resistant to stone-wash and dry-cleaning
• Suitable for linen supply, laundry, control in clothing field, care mark.

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